Tailored to enrich and bolster professional proficiency in family services, child protection, and placement and support services, the Best Interests Case Practice Model (BICPM) is dedicated to fostering favourable outcomes for children and their families.
Learning Outcomes
- Enhance skills in building relationships with clients and stakeholders to facilitate optimal outcomes for children, young people, and their families, aligning with BICPM’s ‘Relationship Based’ principles.
- Develop proficiency in ‘Information Gathering’ techniques consistent with BICPM’s principles and tools.
- Strengthen capabilities in case planning and risk assessment in alignment with BICPM’s ‘Analysis and Planning’ principles and tools.
- Acquire skills for effectively supporting service users in accordance with BICPM’s ‘Action’ principles.
- Develop the ability to reflect on practice and service delivery in accordance with BICPM’s ‘Reviewing Outcomes’ principles.
Online training via TEAMS
Cost of Training: $420 (incl GST)
Delivery date and timings:
This session will be delivered in 2 parts:
29/07/2024, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
30/07/2024, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
To register please go to – https://training.cfecfw.asn.au/ and enter CENPRO in the Program Code field.