Regional partnership networks
Albury Wodonga Family Law Pathways Network
The Albury / Wodonga Family Law Pathways Network (the ‘Network’) is funded by the Australian Government through the Attorney-General’s Department. Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC) auspices the Network and employs a project officer in a facilitation role.
The Network is a means for organisations and individuals working within and alongside the family law system to come together and build better outcomes for families intersecting with the system. The primary aim of the Network is to build referral pathways and share information across a broad range of services.
You can email us at and find information and resources at
Ovens Murray Family Violence Partnership
The Oven Murray Family Violence Partnership (OMFVP) is a regional governance structure that provides strategic leadership to drive effective responses to family violence across the local service system and support implementation of Victoria’s family violence reforms in the Ovens Murray region.
OMFVP is one of the 13 Family Violence Regional Integration Committees across Victoria funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). The OMFVP membership is made up of both service providers and other stakeholders that contribute to family violence service responses across Ovens Murray. Membership of the partnership is open to organisations working in the Local Government Areas of Alpine, Benalla, Indigo, Mansfield, Towong, Wangaratta and Wodonga.
For more information contact Bree Hewatt, Principal Strategic Advisor,
Ovens Murray/Goulburn Homelessness Network
The Local Area Service Networks (LASN) were initially established by Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for collaboration amongst Specialist Homelessness Service Providers (SHS) with a focus on service system development and implementation of the Opening Doors framework. The Victorian Regional Homelessness Networks were established in 1996. They operate across Victoria in every Department of Health and Human Services (DFFH) region. The Networks assist in establishing and maintaining close working relationships between Homelessness and Family Violence Services and the Department of Health and Human Services in order to promote and support the best possible responses to homelessness within a regional context. Each network is made up of members from homelessness and family violence agencies funded through the Homelessness Assistance Support Program.
The Networks have both grass roots and strategic goals and fulfil a critical role in capturing and examining front-line homelessness service delivery issues through ongoing and regular consultation and communication with members. The Networks also assist to build service system capacity by identifying and developing potential solutions to address gaps and barriers. A key role for the Networks includes strategic communication with consumers, member agencies, peak bodies and all levels of government on the issue of homelessness and its impacts in Victoria.
For more information please contact Ovens Murray/ Goulburn Homelessness Coordinator at Beyond Housing,
Ovens Murray Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Alliance (OMMHADA)
The Ovens Murray Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Alliance (OMMHADA) exists to draw together primary, secondary and tertiary mental health, alcohol and other drug, and wellbeing services in identified local government areas (LGAs) within North East Victoria and South East New South Wales. This forum will enable a strategic approach to delivery of collaborative and joined up work and care for individuals, families and community groups across the region. The Alliance provides regional leadership and advocates to all levels of Government to ensure local service gaps, needs and successes are known, funded and fit for purpose within the region.
For more more information contact Simon Jones Coordinator OMMHADA,